Adopted in 2004, the SMRPD mission statement is: "To promote community well-being through programs and activities that protect, preserve and enrich the Canyons' heritage, open space and unique way of life." This mission statement enables the SMRPD to direct the activities of parks and recreation during normal times, while also acting temporarily to assist with emergency responses, including recovery efforts, together with local and state agencies, during times of disaster and crisis.
The SMRPD has the following goals:
- To operate its parks, community centers and children's center in a safe, clean and well-maintained condition
- To develop a robust recreation program that serves community needs
- To offer activities, programs and rentals that generate income and allow the SMRPD to expand and maintain its services
- To be fiscally responsible and use its resources for the greatest community benefit
- To be open to land acquisitions that promote its goals
- To be a resource to our community during times of disaster and crisis